Jim Zaspel – Real Estate Mentor

Jim300At the age of 23 (and-a-half;-) Jim has been in the real estate business for 18 months. One of Jim’s passions is real estate – of course this most likely has to do with the fact that he made over $91,000 on just his second real estate deal! Jim’s entrepreneurial ventures did not begin with real estate; they began at the age of 12 when he started mowing neighbors’ lawns with his dad’s lawn mower. By the time he was 13 he had acquired 28 lawn accounts. This was more than he could do himself so at the age of 13 he hired someone that was old enough to drive his pickup truck. After his family moved when he was 15, he sold the lawn care business. For the next 7 years he built and sold 3 separate lawncare and landscaping companies, but he always knew that there was a better and more satisfying way to satisfy his entrepreneurial spirit. He found his answer in real estate at the age of 22. After successfully investing in real estate for only one year, he was asked by Ron LeGrand to become a mentor for his (Ron’s) company to mentor new real estate investors and help them become successful as well. In addition to mentoring, Jim speaks at REIA (Real Estate Investor Association) meetings throughout the Philadelphia area, and is a member of Ron LeGrand’s Mastermind group.


At EZ Homes PA, we have been investing in real estate in the greater Philadelphia area for quite some time now. Just as any business has to do in this economic climate, we’ve adjusted our business techniques to conform to the current market conditions. During this time, we have had the privilege of serving many families.


We have helped many families realized the dream of home ownership (that they thought wasn’t possible for them!) through our lease-purchase, owner financing, and down payment assistance programs.


We have helped people get rid of a home they needed to sell for one reason or another — they couldn’t afford to make necessary repairs, they had already purchased another home, they didn’t want to sell conventionally and have people traipsing through their home, they couldn’t deal with the uncertainty of when a house might sell through an agent, they were dealing with an illness/divorce/death in the family, or just needed to get out.


We have assisted a large number of people facing foreclosure by either purchasing their home or negotiating a Short Sale with the Lender. We regularly work with the nation’s leading firm to bring the highest level of expertise to our Short Sale negotiations.


Our President and Founder, Jim Zaspel has been personally mentored and trained by some of the best real estate professionals in the country and has developed business relationships with professionals across the country so that we can offer only the best of services to those that chose to do business with us. Prior to real estate investing, Jim Zaspel built a successful landscaping and design company, but just like any savvy business person, Jim followed the money when he saw the opportunity to make money and help people along the way in real estate.




Let’s just say that I’m one of a kind, OK? I’ll leave it up to you to decide if that’s a good or bad thing:)


I absolutely love life! Just like most people, I’ve got things in my life that totally suck, but since every breath I have is a gift from God, I’d say I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams!


I love to laugh and have a good time. I can be a complete goof-off too!:) But I’m probably the hardest worker that you will ever meet. Once I set my mind to something, it gets done. I like to do and accomplish things that are not expected of me or someone my age.


I always try to make people feel at ease when they’re around me. I (try at least) always treat others with respect, but if I don’t want to be around someone or talk to someone, they get that feeling pretty quick. It’s simply because life is too short to spend with people that drag you down. I try my best to spend my time with like-minded people. While I still treat others with respect, if you’re not fast-paced, fun, and pleasant to be around, I’ll get bored with you company really quick!


My biggest goal in life is to have a family of my own that loves the Lord and loves to serve Him. For a true Christian, there is no higher joy and satisfaction that can be found other than that which comes from doing God’s will.




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