BY CLAUD DIAMOND — People ask me, “How do you stay organized? You tell us to speak to as many people on a daily basis as we can,” using the Gut Sales Method I teach. “How do you keep track of all these people, your notes, your thoughts, your reminders?”
I’m a big believer in tablets. I’m not talking about my iPad, and I’m not talking about some vitamin or supplement.
Don’t laugh, but I actually use a Composition Book, and the best part is it does not even need batteries.
In my notebooks, I can draw out a mindmap, I can take notes. If I am working on a deal, I will write down my notes and my numbers, and I’ll put the date in the upper right corner. When I am done with a notebook, I will write the month and year on the side.
Sometimes the electronics really don’t do it for us. If I am on the go, I’ll take a mini pad to jot down notes. I put it right next to my bed for ideals. Have you ever had an idea in the middle of the night? A pad within reach is a great idea for recording all these thoughts.
FranklinCovey has some amazing notetaking products and planners on sale all the time.
If I am going to a presentation, I’ll take my Moleskin notebooks. You can pick these up at a book store, they are a little expensive, but they look really professional.
The best part is if you are an Evernote user, you can take a photo of your notes and upload it right into your library. You can search Evernote and retrieve it anytime you need to look back at it.